Sunday, June 07, 2020

How to distribute a film

- major studios has the advantage of getting immediate deals from major production companies

- different regional distribution rights make distribution of movies at different regions different

a.  use festivals to premiere the movie and target audience. 

b. sales agent connects the film to the distributor. there is a fee.  The sales agent may be in the movie cast. 

c. distributor screening is the screening of the film to invite movie distributor. Connections made with movie distributor and sometimes offers are made. 

d. Self distribute by using the digital platforms

e. Film hub is a digital marketplace for filmmakers to connect with movie distributors. This is becoming the most used method. 

- Film distribution is the commercial process of making a movie available to the public. It determines the marketing strategy. 

- Ancillary rights are supplementary rights arising from a primary right. It gives
 distributor right to distribute movie on VHS, DVD, cable and network TV, soundtracks CD, posters, games, toys and other merchandising

Common film distribution strategies

Think about distribution early 
- research to understand audience to find the movie's potential position in the marketplace (demographic)
- filmmakers identify elements that consistently work in the trends to help produce fresh yet familiar movies 

1. film festivals
- This can generate the buzz that could attract distributors such as Lionsgate, Universal, Paramount or Warner 

2. Sell movie to online platform 

How to self-distribute a film

Step 1: Use crowdfunding sites such as Kickstarter and IndieGoGo to get funds for film distribution campaign

- cast- name recognition, talent, 'strong media presence' 

Leg: the long popularity of the movie cast 

Factors influencing leg: movie buzz- official movie info

- attract potential investors by posting trailers, scene previews and 'making of' footage- this also generates more fans. 
- add subtitles to reach a more global market. use REV.  
- using close captions to reach viewers with hearing difficulty. Includes atmospherics such as sound effects and on-screen music important elements to the narrative. 

Step 2: Change film to suitable formats  
- include deliverables such as film, contract, legal documents,  SAG time card, digital assets such as trailers, raw negative in 4K and photographs

- digital format: .mp4 is the international standard; H.264 format encodes high quality video & audio for streaming online; 1920 x 1080 is the best resolution for cinema screening 
- online format: pro-Res 422. mov format is best, AVC/H.264 in mp4, m2t and ts format & MPEG-2 format is also accepted 

Step 3: Decide on streaming release strategy 

There are two ways:

i. Third-Party Aggregator

- role is to deliver the film to the digital platform once a deal has been made with online platform

- fee cost has to be paid 

ii. Do it yourself

Distribution rights
- by region- domestic rights, international rights 
- there is theatre or streaming rights

2 financial models that distribution agreements: 

Leasing model- distributer buys rights to distribute film for a fixed amount 

Profit-sharing- distributor gets % of profit

Step 4: Decide on VOD Distribution Platform 

There are 5 different types of VOD platforms:

i. ad-supported video-on-demand  (AVOD)
- ads before, during or after film
- e.g hulu, youtube and crackle

ii. Subscription Video-on Demand (SVOD)

- picks popular anticipated movies with following on youtube or indie film with festival wins 
- e.g netflix 

iii. Transactional Video-on-Demand (TVOD)

- pay-per-view through electronic sell through and download to rent

iv. Cable video-on-demand
- buy rights to stream film on their premium channel
- distribute media through cable boxes at hotel
- e.g HBO, STARZ and showtime

v. free video-on-demand

-reach numerous audience
- e.g youtube and vimeo

Step 5: Decide whether the film will have a theatrical release 

- theatrical booker: specialises in booking, advertising and collecting tickets
- diy: pay flat-rate to cinema to have a showing of movie. 

2 ways a theatre may release a movie: 

Bidding- theatre pays for showing movie at a fixed price

Percentage- theatre gives distributor % of net / gross box office. 

1. theatre negotiates amount of house allowance ( nut: set figure to cover basic expenses each week ) with distributor. 

2. set percentage split for net box office

3. set percentage split for gross box office

4. set engagement length ( four weeks normally) 

loss leaders- according to google: "a product sold at a loss to attract customers"  e.g first run movies. Low profit. 

Step 6: Promote the film 

- a trailer 
- press kit include one-pager (synopsis of film, images and a personal story 
- create a website include authentic stories of major above-the-line team members, factoids about film and news on upcoming screenings 
- create an email list of potential fans to announce film 

Opening: movie official debut 

Factors influencing opening: studio, target audience, star power, buzz and season 

At the time of this article "The Art of the Deal", how many theatres were there across USA and where are they mostly located?

37,000 cinemas in urban areas of USA

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